Bloomberg Law provides access to federal and state court opinions, dockets and practice material, including Bloomberg Law Reports and books. Log in with your L&C Law School Bloomberg Law account. Don't have one? Contact the Reference Desk at
The CALI Library of Lessons is a collection of over 950 interactive, computer-based lessons covering more than 40 legal education subject areas available to students at member law schools only. Click here for registration instructions.
HeinOnline is a research database with more than 100 million pages of legal history and law journals available in an online, fully searchable, image-based format.
Lexis is a legal research platform that provides access to primary and secondary sources, including state and federal cases and statutes, news, a powerful citator, and treatises. Lewis & Clark law school students, faculty and staff should contact Meredith Kostek for registration instructions.
The place to start when you have a public law citation and need all related full-text legislative history documents from the 1st Congress (1789) to the 116th Congress (2019), including bills, reports, hearings, documents and more. Also search for individual documents by number.
Westlaw is a powerful search platform that allows you to search primary and secondary sources, including state and federal case law and statutes, news, legal encyclopedias, and treatises.
New / Trial Databases
The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
The History of Bankruptcy includes legislative histories, treatises, documents and more related to bankruptcy law in America. It also includes classic books dating back to the late 1800s and links to scholarly articles that are related to the study of bankruptcy in America. From HeinOnline.
Kanopy Streaming Media is a collection of streaming videos with a focus on classic, documentary, and independent film, licensed specifically to L&C. Includes Kanopy BASE, the Summit version which contains additional streaming content.
This archive brings together thousands of casebooks from West, one of the most prominent legal publishers in the United States. Divided into four series, these casebooks form the backbone of U.S. legal instruction.