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The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
Alternate Name(s) HeinOnline ACUS
This HeinOnline collection features publications by and about the Administrative Conference of the United States, an independent federal agency within the executive branch that recommends ways to improve administrative processes.
This HeinOnline collection features publications by National Defense University Press, focusing on academic and military research in defense, national security, and American foreign policy.
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Alternate Name(s) Wolters Kluwer VitalLaw Litigation
VitalLaw Litigation provides authoritative content on evidence, civil practice and procedure, and practice-specific materials. Notable works include "Wigmore on Evidence" and the "Almanac of the Federal Judiciary." The library features litigation guides offering in-depth analysis and guidance on specific litigation topics such as depositions, discovery, trial practice, and more, as well as Smart Charts providing 50-state surveys and overviews across various legal practice areas.