Boley Library Catalog and Summit
Search by title, author, subject or keyword (most popular searches) to locate books in the Boley and Watzek Library collections. To locate print material in the law library, note the location (Law Treatise, Law ENV, etc.) and the call number. If the book is at the Watzek library you can request that it be delivered to the Boley Library Desk for pickup by clicking on the Request L&C Item button. You can also search the Summit system, enabling you to borrow books and media from over 38 academic libraries in the Northwest, which are delivered to the Law Library within a few days of your request.
If the catalog doesn’t list the item you need, you may request it through ILL. The books should arrive within a week to 10 days.
The first two databases listed below contain a large number of full-text classics of international law. You can find books in these databases either by searching within them directly, or by running searches in the Boley Library Catalog.
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