Free Sources of Supreme Court Briefs
Subscription Databases
Free Sources of Dockets
Subscription Databases
Free Sources of Oral Arguments
Subscription Databases
Books & Microfiche
Supreme Court orders are available in subscription databases, as well as the following free sites. Amicus briefs and petitions for writ of certiorari are available in the same resources listed above under Briefs.
If you can't find what you're looking for online through a free or subscription database, consider checking the law library's collection of U.S. Supreme Court Records and Briefs available on microfiche. The microfiche collection covers full opinions (1832-2012/2013) and cert denied (1832-2010/2011). In addition, the National Archives is a great resource for hard-to-find Supreme Court documents; for example, they have audio recordings of oral arguments from 1955-Present, oral argument transcripts, as well as dockets from 1791-Present.
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