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Virtual Bookshelf: January 2022- COVID Careers in the Law

Virtual display of books on a specific topic of interest. Changes throughout the year with special attention to student sponsored bookshelf displays.


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This Month's Virtual Shelf is:

virus with 4 emerging legal career areas litigation, labor& employment, privacy, & healthcare

Books About Emerging Careers Coming Out of the COVID Pandemic


Labor & Employment Law

Privacy, Data Security, & Information Law

Healthcare Law

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Mon-Fri, 11am

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Career Services

Contact Lewis & Clark Law School's Career Services for further information or to set up an appointment.

Career Services is available:

Monday- Thursday 9:00am- 5:00pm

Friday 9:00am- 4:00pm

Make an appointment with a Career Services Advisor through Career Connect's appointments feature, by calling 503.768.6608, or emailing

You can e-mail Career Services your most recent resume prior to your appointment. August, September, January, and February are typically busy, so plan ahead.

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Subject Headings