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Foreign Legal Research: Citations

Guide to resources in foreign law.


Steps for Citing to Foreign Materials

Bluebook Table 2 lists specific citation rules for 44 foreign jurisdictions. For jurisdictions not in Table 2, the Bluebook directs researchers to cite materials in accordance with local citation rules (see Rule 20). It is therefore often necessary to consult another citation guide when citing to materials from a country not listed in the Bluebook.

Follow these steps to determine how to cite to legal materials from a foreign country:

  1. Check Bluebook Table 2, which includes instructions on citing to foreign materials from your country.
  2. If your country of interest isn't listed in the Bluebook, check if NYU’s Guide to Foreign and International Legal Citations covers foreign materials from your country.
  3. If NYU's guide doesn't include your country of interest, check Washington University's International Citation Manual.
  4. If none of these online resources discuss your country of interest, check the International Citator and Research Guide (AKA the Greenbook, available in print at the library).
  • The Greenbook is the most comprehensive international citation manual available, covering citations from the majority of countries.
  • The Greenbook is located in the reference collection (across from the reference desk). Contact a librarian for help finding it.



Tips for Hard to Cite Sources

  • Use  Bluebook Rule 20 for guidance on citing to jurisdictions that aren't included in Table T2 or other citation guides.
  • Run searches to see how other law reviews have cited the material.