Use these guides and background sources to locate the regional human rights systems, find treaties, and locate Intergovernmental Organizations (IGOs) and Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs) that work in your area of interest.
IJRC provides an online resource hub, training workshops, and litigation and advocacy to individuals and groups around the world, for effective use of international human rights protections.
The Online Resource Hub gives an overview of their extensive resources. The links below are especially helpful.
Provides analysis and external links for human rights instruments, jurisprudence databases, books and articles, human rights conditions, civil society actors, and thematic research guides
Searchable database of judgments, decisions, interim measures, advisory opinions, and
other orders from most regional human rights bodies (except the European), some UN treaty
bodies, many international criminal tribunals, and some sub-regional courts.
Search within the selective collection to identify the most recently published articles and books in the area of human rights, then access them by searching in Boley's Primo catalog.