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Law Library Policies: General Policies

Boley Law Library Policies

Quiet Study Areas

The law library is for research and study. Patrons are expected to maintain a quiet atmosphere by refraining from loud conversation or other disruptive behavior in all areas of the law library and in the open study areas of Wood Hall. Persons disturbing other patrons will be asked to take their conversations outside the library quiet zones.

The law library staff encourages quiet conversation and collaborative academic work in the Boley Atrium. All patrons, however, should refrain from loud or disruptive conversations or other noisy behaviors in that area.

Library users are expected to first ask any person disturbing them to refrain from the loud or disruptive behavior. If the behavior doesn’t stop, the incident should be reported to library staff. Continued complaints may result in an Honor Code violation or a call to Campus Safety.

Phones and Audio

Phone conversations may not be held while in the law library quiet study zones or the Wood Hall study areas. Please mute phones before entering the quiet zones and use ear buds/head phones while listening to audio on any device.

Library Computers and Wireless Access

Use of Library Computer Research Stations

The computers located in the Boley Atrium are primarily for student and research use. Please limit your use to 30 minutes if others are waiting for access. The use of these workstations by members of the General Public is limited to those performing legal research and should be limited to two hours per day. Patrons must log-in to use these work stations. There is a $.10/page printing fee for our non-student patrons. All print jobs may be retrieved from the Library Desk.

Access to Law School Wireless Network and Lab Computers

The Law School Law IT Department is responsible for the school’s wireless network and lab computers. Students, faculty, staff, Law School alumni, members of a state bar and students from other law schools with reciprocity may connect to our network and/or have access to our public computers. Contact the Help Desk located in Boley Suite 150 with questions or to set up a new account.

Guest WiFi access is available via the PioNet-Guest network.  To connect, choose "PioNet-Guest" from the list of wireless networks on your device.  No password is required.

For more information, see Get Connected to PioNet - WiFi and Internet at Lewis & Clark

Photocopiers, Scanning & Microform

Photocopying and Scanning

Our photocopy machine is available in the printer nook in the Boley Atrium. There is no charge for copies or scans. 

Microfiche and Microfilm Copying

There are two machines that copy microforms for a cost of 10 cents/page.  Payment may be made online or in cash at the Library Desk.  

Repairs or Equipment Problems

If a photocopier or microform copier has a paper jam, needs paper or ink or if any other equipment has any problem, please report it to the Library Desk immediately.

Food & Drink Policy

Beverages are permitted in the law library and in the Wood Hall study areas. Snack food that is not sticky, messy, smelly, or noisy can be brought into the law library for consumption, but any meals (including pizza) must be consumed outside the law library.

Food garbage should not go into the waste cans that are in the law library; it may be odorous and definitely attracts insects and book-unfriendly pests. Pack up and deposit your food related trash in the waste cans in the Wood Hall lobby area and please remember to clean up after yourself.

Study Rooms

Eight Study Rooms in Wood Hall are available to law students who need a short term quiet area to study.  Reservations are limited to four hours or fewer per person, per day. Use of these rooms is strictly limited to law students. Pets are not allowed in the Study Rooms with the exception of Service Animals and approved Assistance Animals (see Dogs and Other Companion Animals, below).  Reserve a Study Room

Dogs and Other Companion Animals

Dogs and other companion animals are not allowed in the Boley Law Library or Wood Hall study areas or study rooms. Service Animals who have been approved by the Lewis & Clark Office of Student Accessibility (OSA), are allowed.

See the OSA Service and Assistance Animal Policy for definitions of Service Animals and Assistance Animals. Assistance Animals are not allowed in the Boley Law Library and Wood Hall. Students who plan to bring a Service Animal to campus are strongly encouraged to contact and partner with the OSA. Begin the approval process by making an appointment with the Office of Student Accessibility.

For more about pet access to the Law School campus see the Lewis & Clark Law School Pet Policy. For more information see the Lewis & Clark Service and Assistance Animal Policy, the Lewis & Clark Office of Student Accessibility Service and Assistance Animals page, and the Lewis & Clark College Animal Control Policy.

General Use of the Law Library

General Use Carrels and Tables

All carrels and tables will be completely cleared at the end of each day. Library materials will be removed for reshelving. Any personal belongings will be held in Lost & Found at the Library Desk for a limited time.


Please place all library material on the center aisle carts after use. Library staff will reshelve the materials for you.


Library Instruction and Tours

The Reference staff provides library tours and instruction to support the Lewis & Clark Law School and the Lewis & Clark College curriculum. The law library is not available to any other educational institution or program for instructional purposes. Any instruction or tour of the law library directed by anyone other than a law library staff member must be authorized by either the Director of the Library or an Associate Director. Non-authorized groups will be asked to leave.


Smoking is prohibited in all law school buildings and is no longer allowed anywhere on campus.

Lost & Found

The law library maintains a Lost & Found section at the Library Desk. Items are kept in Lost & Found for one semester, after which they are donated or recycled. 

Flyers and Handouts

Posting or distribution of flyers or handouts in the law library is not permitted. Materials posted without permission of library staff will be removed and discarded.