Measuring the impact of legal scholarship through quantitative metrics is getting a push thanks to the interest of US News. This guide seeks to provide guidance in how to find those measures and how to enhance your profile at key sites.
HeinOnline provides computer-generated citation counts for legal scholars, and incorporates that information into its ScholarCheck rankings system. US News intends to rely on HeinOnline data to provide faculty scholarly impact indicators for each law school.
Tracking Scholar or Article Citations on HeinOnline
Searching for a particular author or article provides quick access to citation data:
On this profile page you will see impact factor analytics as well as a list of articles published that are available on Heinonline.
Creating Your HeinOnline Author Profile
Having a HeinOnline profile helps ensure that Hein has a more accurate count citation count and allows the scholar to provide enhanced biographical information.
To create your HeinOnline Author Profile fill out an Author Profile Setup Request. Authors may add:
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Google Scholar Citations is a free tool for tracking citations as well as for marketing the impact of your scholarly citations. Though not included, for now, in US News’ proposed scholarly impact rankings, Google Scholar is a highly visible site for scholarly citation information.
Finding Google Scholar Citations by Author
Create Your Google Scholar Profile
More Information:
SSRN (Social Science Research Network) is used by most law faculty to publish, read, and track scholarship. For faculty, SSRN tracks number of papers, downloads, and citations, as well as applying a rank to the latter two measures.
Finding SSRN Statistics by Author
Managing Your SSRN Profile
After logging into SSRN, use the Personal Info tab to edit your contact information, add a photo, add an ORCID ID#, and control what rankings will appear.
Use the My Papers tab to manage the visibility of your work.
ORCID IDs are persistent digital identifies that distinguish each researcher from every other researcher and, it is hoped, will provide for automated linkages between a scholar’s professional activities. ORCID is a not-for-profit organization with a mission to enable transparent and trustworthy connections between researchers, their contributions, and affiliations.
HeinOnline and Google Scholar allow for the inclusion of ORCID IDs in their respective author profiles.
Create Your ORCID Identifier
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