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International Environmental Law Research Guide: International Agreements

Guide to international environmental law resources.

Environmental Treaty Sources

These free databases and guides link to the texts of International Environmental Treaties.

General Treaty Sources

Commentary and Analysis

Travaux Préparatoires - These are official records of a treaty negotiation and are often used to help clarify the intentions of a treaty or other instrument. Sometimes the records are collected and published, some records appear on the secretariat's website. For additional help in finding travaux, consult the GlobaLex research guide on finding preparatory works.

Soft Law

Many important international environmental instruments and documents are considered "soft law" or non-binding in nature. These are often guidelines, resolutions, or aspirational plans that may evolve into legally binding treaties over time. Examples include the Forest Principles, Agenda 21 and the Rio Declaration. Many documents can be found on the sponsoring organizations websites, but for compilations of documents, background information and analysis, see the resources listed below. 

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