A database containing state & federal statutes, case law, and regulations, as well as extensive secondary sources like journal articles and practice guides.
Find tutorials on using Westlaw here.
Requires a separate login from your normal Lewis & Clark password. You should receive an email before you start at Lewis & Clark with registration instructions. If you haven’t received an email, contact Meredith Kostek (mkostek@lclark.edu) for help.
A direct competitor of Westlaw, Lexis is similar, but includes more foreign and international legal materials.
Requires a separate login from your normal Lewis & Clark password. You should receive an email before you start at Lewis & Clark with registration instructions. If you haven’t received an email, contact Meredith Kostek (mkostek@lclark.edu) for help.
A database specializing in historical legal materials, law reviews articles, international materials like treaties, and more.
Requires an active Lewis & Clark username and password.
For a more comprehensive list of library databases, visit the law library’s A-Z Database List.