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Finding & Researching Your Paper Topic: Strategies

Guide on finding and researching your paper topic.

Types of Research

1. Start with Background Research

  • Books
  • Articles

2. Then move on to Focused Research

  • Research Consultations
  • Specialized Materials in Your Area of Law
  • Primary Legal Materials
  • Update Cases, Regulations, Admin Decisions, Legislation
  • Non-legal Materials 

Make an appointment with a librarian for a research consultation. 

Getting Started with Legal Research

Develop a legal research strategy and add these tips and tools to your legal research checklist. It is often helpful to begin your research in an unfamiliar area of law with a secondary source like a research guide. Below you'll find a list of our favorite legal research guides as well as tips on how to find others.

Law Library Research Guides

Search Online

To find a research guide on your specific topic, search for [type of law] research guide. Example: health law research guide, or constitutional law research guide. Limit results to academic institutions by adding to your search. Example: health law research guide or constitutional law research guide Research guides are sometimes called "pathfinders" or an "annotated bibliography" so vary your search terms to include those terms. Example: health law pathfinder, or health law "annotated bibliography".

Search the Catalog
Search the catalog for the subject headings "legal research" or "law bibliography" or do a keyword search for [legal topic] legal research. Example: animal rights legal research

To do a subject heading search in Primo, choose Advanced Search at the top, right-hand side of the page, then select Subject from the drop-down menu.

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We're here to help. Contact a research librarian for help with an assignment, project, or resource. 

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