Indigenous Peoples of the Americas Law Collection from HeinOnline
With more than 1,000 titles and 1,000,000 pages dedicated to American Indian Law, this collection includes an archive of treaties, federal statutes and regulations, federal case law, tribal codes, constitutions, legislative histories, and scholarly articles.
IDA Treaties Explorer from the National Archives, the Indigenous Digital Archive, and the Museum of Indian Arts and Culture
Indigenous Law Portal from the Law Library of Congress
Native American Law - Online Research Guides
American Indian Law Deskbook, (Conference of Western Attorneys General) Thomson Reuters, 2014- . Boley Law Library Call Number: KF8205.A765 This book is also available on Westlaw.
Encyclopedia of Native American Legal Tradition, Greenwood Press, 1998. Boley Law Library Call Number: KIE3 .E53 1998
Felix S. Cohen’s Handbook of Federal Indian Law. Michie, 1982. Boley Law Library Call Number: Reserve, KF8205 .C6 1982.
United States Tribal Courts Directory, 2011. Boley Law Library Call Number: Ref KF8224 .C6 S39 2011
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