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Indigenous Peoples of the Americas Law Research Guide: Federal Law

(formerly American Indian Law Guide)


Statutes at Large Online (1789 - 1875 only) 

United States Code - Title 25 ​ from LII at Cornell 

Tribal Court Clearinghouse: Federal Statutes

  • Includes the explanations and the full-text of many important Federal Indian laws. Contains a very useful guide to Public Law 280.


A Chronological List of Treaties and Agreements made by Indian Tribes with the United States. Washington : Institute for the Development of Indian Law, c1973. Boley Law Library Call Number: KIE18 .C48 1973

  • Contains a listing of treaties and agreements. List includes the date of treaty, tribe involved and Statutes at Large citation.

Indian Affairs. Laws and Treaties. Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler, Government Printing Office, 1904. 7 volumes.  Boley Law Library Call Number: KF8201.9 .U53 (print version found in law library

  • Commonly referred to as Kappler’s Indian Treaties.

Treaties Between the United States and Native Americans: Full text of select treaties from the Avalon Project at Yale University.

Colonial and American Indian Treaties : a collection. Compiled by Arizona State University College of Law, 2004. Boley Law Library Call Number: KIE19 .C65 2004.

  • In CD format.

United States Statutes at Large. Government Printing Office, 1789 -

  • Volumes 7 and 8 contain the text of treaties between the United States and the Indian Tribes. From volume 9 until the end of treaty making with the Indians in 1871, Indian and non-Indian treaties are listed in a separate section of the statute volumes.

  • Volume 7 Statutes at Large: online at the Library of Congress 

Annotations to Treaties

United States Code Service: Uncodified Laws volume.

  • Includes case annotations to Indian treaties not codified in U.S.C.

Case Law

Federal Indian law cases are found in U.S. Reports, Federal Reporter, and Federal Supplement

  • West’s Digest System Topic: Indians
  • Westlaw Topic for Indians: 209 

Significant Supreme Court decisions on Indian law 

  • from Wisconsin Judicare and the Indian Law Office 

Supreme Court Review of Indian Law cases 1997- 2004 

  • from the Native American Constitution and Law Digitization Project 
  • Current updates are available at the National Indian Law Library

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