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Vine Deloria, Jr. & David E. Wilkins. Tribes, Treaties, and Constitutional Tribulations, University of Texas Press, 1999. Boley Law Library Call Number: KF8210.C5 D45 1999.
Frank Pommersheim. Braid of Feathers : American Indian Law and Contemporary Tribal Life, University of California Press, 1995. Boley Law Library Call Number: KF8205.P6 1995.
Readings in American Indian Law : Recalling the Rhythm of Survival / edited by Jo Carrillo, Temple University Press, 1998. Boley Law Library Call Number: KF8204.5.R424 1998.
Charles F. Wilkinson. American Indians, Time, and the Law : Native Societies in a Modern Constitutional Democracy, Yale University Press, c1987. Boley Law Library Call Number: KF8205 .W53 1987.
American Indian Legal Materials : a Union List, 1980, KF8201.A1 G37.
Documents of United States Indian Policy, 3d ed. Edited by Francis Paul Prucha, University of Nebraska Press, 2000. Boley Law Library Call Number: KF8205 .D63 2000.
Early American Indian Documents : Treaties and Laws, 1607-1789, edited by Alden T. Vaughan, University Publications of America, c1979-. 20 volumes when complete. Boley Law Library Call Number: KF8202 1979.
Native American Legal Materials Collection, Law Library Microform Consortium, 1979.
A collection of documents, treaties, periodicals, and treatises on microfiche. Indexed by: Native Americans: A Legal/Historical Collection
Washburn, Wilcomb E. The American Indian and the United States: A Documentary History, Random House [1973]. 4 volumes. Boley Law Library Call Number: E93 .W27.
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