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Oregon Legal Research Guide: State Courts

Trial Court Dockets and Documents

Oregon Trial Court Orders

To view just Oregon trial court orders, use the following links:

Oregon Chief Justice Orders

Chief Justice Orders

A new searchable database of Chief Justice Orders (CJOs), joint Chief Justice/Chief Judge Orders, and non-case related Supreme Court Orders (SCOs). Orders are from 2019-2020, and will include orders going forward.

Oregon State Courts Cases & Briefs - Free Sources

Court Transcripts
The Appellate Court Records office keeps trial court transcripts separate from the rest of the court documents. The transcripts can be requested for a fee; more information is available on the Appellate Court Services Document/Audio Request Form. 

Oregon State Court Briefs - Subscription Databases

Oregon State Courts Helpful Information

Subscription Databases for Oregon Cases

The L&C Law School community has a number of subscription database options for accessing Oregon case law.

Both Fastcase and LLMC Digital are provided for free to the L&C Law School community without a password. Just click on the links below for both on and off-campus access.

Individual passwords are required for Westlaw, Lexis, and Bloomberg Law. Passwords are distributed to new students at the beginning of the school year. Questions? Ask a reference librarian

Google Scholar for Oregon Cases

Google ScholarGoogle Scholar provides access to Oregon cases from 1950, updated within a month.  

To access Oregon or other state and federal jurisdictions, go to Google Scholar ( and select "case law," followed by "select courts."   

Google Scholar embeds clickable citation links within the case law and the "How Cited" tab allows one to research prior case law and the subsequent citations to the court decision.  

Research Help

We're here to help. Contact a research librarian for help with an assignment, project, or resource. 

Mon-Fri, 11am

Reference Hours

Case Law Print Resources

Boley Law Library maintains a complete historical as well as current collection of Oregon case law, as well as West's Oregon Digest, West's Pacific Digest, and West's Pacific Reporter. 

The reporters and digests are located in the library in the state materials section.