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Legal Research Workshops - Prepare to Practice: Video Recordings

Guide to the courses, dates, times, and videos for the Boley Law Library Prepare to Practice Workshops

Prepare to Practice

Video Recordings

Video Recordings of the programs will be added shortly after the date of each workshop.

Summer Digital Badge Credit

Interested in continuing your legal research knowledge over the summer? Check out the videos below of the courses taught throughout Spring 2020 in the Prepare to Practice Workshops. Receive a digital badge for your efforts by writing a short summary of what you learned in each workshop, with a minimum of 6 (may be added to your in class attendance to equal 6).

Examples of earning your digital badge over the summer:

  • Attended 4 classes in person, watched 2 classes online and wrote a short summary on the two classes. 
  • Watched 6 classes online and wrote a short summary on the six classes.

Email summaries to Meredith Kostek ( and she will email instructions on receiving your digital badge. Please turn in all summaries by August 15, 2020. Questions? Feel free to email Meredith.


Secondary Sources

Court Documents, Dockets, and Forms

Approaching Your First Work Assignment

Transactional Legal Research

IP Research

Legislative History

Technology and Ethics

Power Searching

Research Help

We're here to help. Contact a research librarian for help with an assignment, project, or resource. 

Mon-Fri, 11am

Reference Hours